Lymphoma Simplified
Lymphoma Simplified - how it begins Our body is made of countless cells of many types. Cells have specialized jobs and names, such as skin, nerve, heart, lung, blood, immune cells, and so on. For the human body to function normally, each organ must have a certain number of cells. ...By design, the cells in most organs have a short lifespan. Therefore, to continue functioning the body needs to replace lost cells by the process of cell division. ...Cell division and cell death are controlled by genes that are located in the cell nucleus. Genes function like an instruction manual telling the cell what proteins to make. These proteins in turn control the behavior of the cell. ...Some proteins direct the cell to divide; others how long it will live; and others begin cell death - a normal process by which the body rids itself of old, unneeded, or damaged cells. Under normal conditions there is a balance in which new cells replace old, and each cell carries out tasks specific to its...